Capcom ghost trick download
Capcom ghost trick download

The entire Capcom Spotlight event is available to view on the official Capcom YouTube and Twitch channels. The Capcom Spotlight event also confirmed the Monster Hunter™ Rise: Sunbreak expansion will spread its wings to Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation™ systems on 28 April, transmitted the latest download on fresh features making the leap to Mega Man™ Battle Network Legacy Collection, introduced the final in-game commentator for Street Fighter™ 6, and more! Capcom Spotlight provided a look at what’s new and upcoming in the world of Capcom! The digital broadcast unveiled new updates on future titles, including a thrilling demo for the reawakened Resident Evil™ 4 dropping today, the latest dinosaur forecasts for the launch of Exoprimal™ on 14 July and its open beta test coming next week, plus a June 30 release date for the revival of Ghost Trick™: Phantom Detective.

Capcom ghost trick download